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Understanding Salvation

When we think about Salvation it can be this lofty or distant theme

We have a rough time associating with in our daily lives. Being "saved" implies that we needed saving, but until some of us hit a crisis in life we don't feel we need to be saved at all. Rather, we feel pretty powerful; kings of our own castles feeling like we are running the show like MTV Cribs or something... if you haven't seen it don't worry you aren't missing much, in heaven will be the best crib of all.

When people experience a transformation moment with Jesus and experience "salvation," too often they quickly run away from Jesus as storms of life happen and cares of this life lead us off track. This is why it is so important to actually UNDERSTAND Salvation. The climactic centerpiece of all scripture is Jesus on the scene and destroying the works of Satan for good, thus creating new life and SAVING us!

JESUS paid in full the punishment we deserved for our sin.

The phrase used for, "IT IS FINISHED" here in Greek is tetelestai, meaning paid in full.  Understanding salvation requires us to recognize how serious the issue of sin is.

Read that again. ETERNALLY. FROM GOD. SEPARATED. God is our maker, our source, our desire, our origin, our hope, and to be separated from that perfect love is unbearable to consider.

God doesn't allow this separation because he is evil or cruel, rather because he is perfect and we turned away from him. No one wants a judge who isn't true in their own law. Our sin nature of disobedience & putting things above him, made us direct enemies of God. But thank GOD it doesn't end there. GOD. He kept on pursuing us misfits. We were dead in sin, but SAVED through HIS STEADFAST LOVE. It all culminated and was completed in his son paying the PRICE for what we owed saying, TETELESTAI

3 Thoughts For Today

  1. It is finished and we didn't finish anything. Jesus won the victory. It's His victory and His glory alone! Not some cool thing we made up. It's all God's mercy and love displayed through Jesus! YES! BOOM!
  2. "Finished" means the PAYMENT is PERFECT, PERMANENT, and PRICELESS! Jesus was the spotless sacrifice and lamb for us. If that last part makes no sense, Google it... We are now victorious. Period! Case closed! One day we will see that fully revealed, but we are fully alive in that truth today and await His return. This is Grace!
  3. The Cross displays God's perfect Judgement for our sin and His perfect mercy for us through the wrath of sin being poured out on His Son, Jesus!

Til next time

Peace out - Jerome